It involves manually exporting, via console or aws-cli, its lambda functions and importing them into another region.
Although possible, this strategy is very susceptible to manual errors. Using when you have few functions can be a strategy, albeit discouraged. Only the source code will be exported, so that the other settings such as Permissions, Memory, Timeout, Environment Variables, and other options have to be set manually. Also, always keep your source code in a versioning tool.
If you have the source code stored in a version manager, the export step below is not required.
To do this, go to the menu Services -> Lambda. Select Functions, click the desired function, actions -> Export Function. A popup will appear with the SAM File or Deployment Package Download options. Select Deployment Pack and the download will be downloaded. Note that the downloaded file is a zip file, but it doesn’t have this extension. After downloading, rename the file to the .zip extension for later use.
AWS CLI provides commands for locally listing and downloading all AWS Lambda functions. For example, to list the name of the existing roles in your account configured in ~/.aws/credentials
aws lambda list-functions --region=us-east-2 | jq '[.Functions[] | select(.FunctionName) | .FunctionName]'
The above command only extracts the function name via jq. For details of a specific lambda function by name:
aws lambda get-function --region=us-east-2 --function-name test | jq
The above command even returns the URL S3 from where the source code is located on the node. Code.Location
from the returned json, in addition to memory settings, timeout, and others in Configuration
Go back to the list of Functions in breadcrumb in the upper left corner. Select the new region in the combo in the upper right corner of the Console and click Create Role (if it doesn’t exist). Name the role preferably with the same name as the region, taking care to ensure that other settings such as runtime, permissions, memory, and other options are the same as the source region. Once created, in the Source Code section:
The source code will be imported into the current Lambda function. You can also import the source code from stored in an S3 bucket.
You can also create AWS Lambda functions using the AWS CLI. To do this, use the method below:
aws lambda create-function --function-name funcao-teste --zip-file fileb:// --handler meuhandler --runtime meuruntime --role arn:aws:iam:meuaccountid:role/minharole
The above command is just an example. Replace the Values funcao-teste,, meuhandler, meuruntime, meuaccountid e minharole
by the values specific to your scenario. The full documentation is found hereto.
The AWS CLI commands listed above are just examples. You can automate part of this import and export via shell script or python, for example, to minimize possible configuration problems by doing them manually through the Console. Develop the safest strategy for your scenario and evolve your architecture wherever possible and based on [Pillars for Resilient Workloads] (/en/intro/disaster-recovery/architecture-pillars.html “Pillars for Resilient Workloads”).
Consider minimally encapsulating your source code using SAM (Serverless Application Model). This way, it is possible to transport the source code, its settings and dependencies in a single package. This dramatically simplifies the complexity of moving your installation packages between regions and follows the [Infrastructure-as-Code] (/en/intro/disaster-recovery/architecture-pillars.html “Infrastructure-as-Code”) pillar described in this material.
In addition to the SAM described above, you can also use tools such as AWS CloudFormation or the AWS CDK via command line. While executed manually, these tools minimally guarantee a diff of your current infrastructure, making it easier deployment of the evolutions of its architecture in multiple regions.